Our Services

Latest news: 
The International Sheepdog Society cancelled all national international and the World trial this year due to Covid-19. I’ve got three young dogs with good potential and was looking forward to running them through the trialling season. I’m fortunate to be able to work and train them until it is safe to resume trialling. Meanwhile I have had bitches stay to be covered by my stud dogs and tutoring continues on a one to one basis at Ashridge Court or at clients’ homes.

Dogs For Sale

We always have dogs for sale. Phone Jed for more details 01822 880454  07816336125

For Sale:


ISDS Registereed
DOB 23.12.20

Keen red & white bitch, gathering, going left and right and stopping. For more details phone Bob: 01837 82293 or 07484152681.

Dogs Wanted

Good registered young dogs or bitches

Current Dogs

Glan Y Gors Seth

Burndale Jed

All these dogs standing at stud


'Bob’s honest, straightforward approach was appreciated by all. One participant gave this feedback: “Just a quick message to say thank you for the brilliant training day. I really appreciate all the work you put in to make this such a successful day.”

And another said: “Bob has given me the confidence to get started again, without the pressure to trial the dogs.”'

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